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Be a Sponsor
YOU can help restosre God's beloved daughters who are wounded or broken from childhood sexual abuse.
"Consider the lilies and how they grow" Luke 12:27
The three main ministries of WACO are prevention, evangelization, and healing & restoration. With sponsorships, you have a unique opportunity to give to these core ministries by covering the cost of curriculum workbooks, trauma counseling services, 10 healing sessions, or a 3 day weekend retreat.
Sponsoring a flower is a personal way to show God's love to His daughters in need to healing. As with all sponsorships and donations, these gifts are tax deductible and can be given in memory or honor of a loved one.
We want to expand our program to offer free counseling to women who cannot afford therapy. Anyone who has experienced sexual assault can experience flashbacks and nightmares of frightening and painful experiences.
Your sponsorship will cover the cost of 1 curriculum workbook

Your sponsorship will cover the cost of 2 curriculum workbooks.

"We lost our childhood, our innocence, we were betrayed by people we trusted and loved and sometimes by strangers. Our voices were silenced, taken away from us. We learned how to hide to survive.
Through the retreat, we learn to give the little girl in us our voices back."
"We learn to cherish ourselves. To look into the mirror and not see the shame, the guilt, the fear that the evil one infiltrated our hearts and soul with but to see ourselves as God sees us."
"We were victims but now we are strong, courageous, beautiful gifted survivors, women who can be Jesus to others through helping other women."
"I will travel this healing journey for the rest of my life and that is okay because I am not alone. I am a beloved child of God. I fall often but I know Jesus is with me every step of the way with His arms reached out lifting me up, brushing me off and sometimes carrying me to continue my journey."

Design Your Own Bouqet of Flowers
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Join the WACO Volunteer Team and make a difference!
Join our Awareness Team as a volunteer and help us educate the church communities on the issue of child sexual abuse and solutions WACO brings. Help find business sponsorships and build community partnerships! Also, help out with administrative tasks.
Join our Prevention Team and educate youth and adults on child sexual abuse and how to stay safe. Helps us get ahead of the issue and keep kids safe!
Event Management:
Join our Events Team and help us organize fundraisers and retreats to ensure events run smoothly. Ensure attendees sign in, receive handouts and complete surveys.
We have an immediate need for a fundraising grant writer.
Request a Speaker
Host an info session at your church or organization.
We can speak at youth groups, women's groups, leadership teams, etc.
Your sponsorship will cover the cost of 3 curriculm workbooks.

Your sponsorship will cover the cost of 1 trauma counseling session.
"As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters." Song of Soloman 2:2

Your sponsorship will cover the cost of a 10 session healing program for one participant. (Wildflowers retreat)

Your sponsorship will cover the cost of a 3 day weekend retreat for one participant.
"'Arise, my love, my fair one, And come away. For behold, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth once again; The time for singing has come." Song of Soloman 2:10-16

Your sponsorship will cover a weekend retreat for 2 participants.
The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose."
Isaiah 35:1

Your sponsorship will cover a weekend retreat for 4 participants.
"The desert will bloom with flowers.
It will be very glad and shout for joy."